Pyogenic Granuloma - Finger Lakes Craigslist

Pyogenic granuloma  - finger lakes craigslist

Pyogenic granuloma (also known as a "eruptive hemangioma", "granulation tissue-type hemangioma", "granuloma gravidarum", "lobular capillary hemangioma", "pregnancy tumor", and "tumor of pregnancy") is a vascular lesion that occurs on both mucosa and skin, and appears as an overgrowth of tissue due to irritation, physical trauma, or hormonal factors. It is often found to involve the gums, the skin and nasal septum, and has also been found far from the head such as in the thigh.

Pyogenic granuloma  - finger lakes craigslist
History and terminology

Pyogenic granulomas were first described in 1897 by two French surgeons, Poncet and Dor, who named these lesions botryomycosis hominis.

The name pyogenic granuloma is misleading as it is not a true granuloma. In actuality, it is a capillary hemangioma of lobular subtype, which is why such a lesion is prone to bleeding. Additionally, it is also not truly pyogenic (pus-producing), as the cause is hormonal or traumatic and has no association with infection or pus production.

Pyogenic granuloma  - finger lakes craigslist
Signs and symptoms

Clinical presentation

The appearance of pyogenic granuloma is usually a colour ranging from red/pink to purple, and can be smooth or lobulated. Younger lesions are more likely to be red because of the high number of blood vessels. Older lesions begin to change into a pink color. Size ranges from a few millimeters to centimeters. This is not to say that the pyogenic granuloma can not be bigger but it is more common to see one within these measurements. It can be painful, especially if located in an area of the body where it is constantly disturbed. Pyogenic granulomas can grow rapidly and will often bleed profusely with little or no trauma. Some cases may also include the granuloma "leaking" an oil like substance causing the surface to be damp. This is especially true if the granuloma is located on the scalp.

This lesion may be seen at any age, and there is a definite sex difference with more females affected than males. In pregnant women, it may occur in the first trimester with an increasing incidence up until the seventh month and is often seen on the gums. Epulis granulomatosum is a variant of pyogenic granuloma that forms only on gingiva, and are often seen forming in a recent extraction socket. Pyogenic granulomas appear on the gingiva in 75% of cases, more often in the maxillary than mandibular jaw. Anterior areas are more often affected than posterior areas. It can also be found on the lips, tongue, and inner cheek. Poor oral hygiene or trauma are usually precipitating factors.

One study has suggested a correlation between pyogenic granuloma and Bartonella seropositivity. However, this association has been questioned by others. The appearance of a pyogenic granulomas microscopically has a highly vascular granulation tissue. Inflammation is present. The lesion may have a fibrous character if it is older, and the surface may have ulcerations. Pyogenic granuloma rarely occurs in the conjunctiva, cornea or connective tissue of the eye following minor local trauma. Grossly these mass lesions resemble those occurring at more common sites. The relationship of this lesion to the lobular capillary hemangioma of skin and oropharyngeal mucosa commonly referred to as pyogenic granuloma is uncertain.

Associated conditions

Due to its overwhelming incidence on the gingiva, the condition is often associated with two other diseases, though not because they occur together. Instead, the three are associated with each other because they appear frequently on gingivaâ€"peripheral giant cell granuloma and peripheral ossifying fibroma. However, detailed analysis can be used to distinguish these conditions.

The appearance can be very similar to that of a hemangioma but unlike hemangiomas they can appear after birth.

Pyogenic granuloma  - finger lakes craigslist
Prognosis and treatment

Prognosis is usually good, however recurrence may happen with rate up to 16%. Presence of the myxoid structures in the pyogenic granuloma may be the main cause of recurrence.

Although pyogenic granulomas are not infectious or malignant, treatment may be considered because of bleeding or ulceration. Frequently, pyogenic granulomas are treated with electrodesiccation (cauterization) and curettage (excision), though laser treatment using pulsed dye laser or CO2 laser is often effective.

Several reports have demonstrated the efficacy of topical application of the beta-adrenergic antagonist timolol in the treatment of pediatric pyogenic granuloma.

There is usually no treatment if the pyogenic granuloma occurs during pregnancy since the lesion may heal spontaneously. Recurrent bleeding in either the oral or nasal lesions may necessitate excision and cauterization sooner, however. If aesthetics are a concern, then treatment may be pursued as well. Usually, only minor surgery may be needed, along with a dental cleaning for oral lesions to remove any calculus or other source of irritation. For nasal lesions, nose-picking should be discouraged.

Pyogenic granuloma  - finger lakes craigslist

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